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CNMI AG ends DPS witch hunt against Propst

Jacob Nakamura

As Kandit News concluded from the start, there is no evidence to substantiate claims by a Torres administration crony that Ed Propst sexually assaulted unnamed girls 20 years ago.

The CNMI Attorney General’s Office confirmed it would not prosecute Propst for these allegations for these reasons, and since the statute of limitations had expired years ago for the alleged crimes.

The memorandum from the AGO to the Department of Public Safety brings to an end a vicious chapter in CNMI political history that began only months before the 2020 general election. Irene Holl, a known operative of Gov. Ralph Torres has made the accusations against Propst prior to the election.

When Propst won the election, Robert Guerrero, public safety commissioner, announced his office would continue the investigation.

Kandit placed hundreds of phone calls to DPS, the AGO, and to the governor’s office inquiring about the witch hunt and the statutory authority to pursue charges for which the statute of limitations had passed.

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