During the start of the reconsecration of the Blessed Virgin Mary this morning in the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica, Archbishop Michael Byrnes announced that certain parishes will begin holding outdoor Mass next week. The Mass will include the Sacrament of the Eucharist, where priests will distribute the Communion host while parishioners worship from their cars.
Watch the video to see and hear the announcement.
On Sunday, May 3, we invite residents to park at the Agana Cathedral starting at 9:30 a.m. and stay in their cars and watch the Mass from their phones. There has been no announcement yet whether the Archbishop or Eucharistic ministers will distribute the Communion host at the summit of tomorrow's Mass, but we remain hopeful.
The Catholic faithful have not been allowed to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist since March 16, 2020.
The reconsecration and motorcade of the statue of Santa Marian Kamalen is happening right now according to the following schedule throughout Guam:
Agaña: Dulce Nombre De Maria Cathedral-Basilica – 5AM – Holy Mass in Honor of Santa Marian Kamalen and Consecration of Guam and Marianas Islands to the Blessed Mother.
Dulce Nombre de Maria Facebook live and livestream on aganacathedral.org. Toto: Immaculate Heart of Mary – 8AM
From Agana Cathedral to Purple Heart Hwy (Route 8); Kanada Toto Loop Road; Aragon Street; Immaculate Heart of Mary Church; Sgt Roy T. Damian Street.
Mongmong: Nuestra Senora de las Aguas – 8:10AM
Sgt Roy T Damian Street (Route 33); Chalan Kanton Tasi (Route 4); Chalan Canton Tutujan (Route 24); Pale Kieran Hickey Dr. (Route 24A); Bienvenida Ave; St. Jude Thaddeus Church.
Sinajana: St Jude Thaddeus – 8:25AM – Bienvenida Ave; E Chalan Guma Yuus, Calle Angel Flores Street, Chalan Macajna, Joseph Cruz Ave; Chalan Guma Yuus W; Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church.
Agana Heights: Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament – 8:35AM – Chalan Guma Yuus W; Fonte Road; Maria Candelaria Road; Our Lady of Purification Church.
Maina: Our Lady of Purification – 8:45AM – Maria Candelaria Road.; Spruance Dr. (Route 6), Governor’s Office Adelupe Circle – 8:55AM – Around the Circle; Marine Corps Drive; Chalan San Antonio; St Antony – St Victor Church.
Tamuning: St Anthony – 9:05AM
– Farenholt Ave (Route 30A); Gov Carlos Camacho Road; GMH
GMH – 9:15AM
– Duenas Drive (Between GMH and Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness);
Pale San Vitores Road.; Blessed Diego De San Vitores Church.
Tumon: Blessed Diego De San Vitores Church – 9:25AM – Pale San Vitores Road.; N Marine Corps Drive (Route 1); Route 3; GRMC GRMC – 9:35AM – West Marine Corps Drive North (W Route 1); Iglesia Circle.
Dededo: Santa Barbara Church – 9:45AM – Iglesia Circle; West Santa Barbara Avenue; Y Sengsong Road (Route 28); Divine Mercy – St John Paul Shrine.
Astumbo: Divine Mercy – St John Paul Shrine – 10:00AM – Y Sengsong Road (Route 28); Route 3; Route 9; Santa Bernadita Church. Agafa Gumas – Machanao: Santa Bernardita – 10:15AM – Route 9; Marine Corps Drive; Anderson AFB (Main Gate); East Marine Corp Drive (Route 1); Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
Yigo: Our Lady of Lourdes – 10:30AM – East Marine Corps Drive (Route 1); Harmon Loop (Route 27); Army Drive (Route 16); North Sabana; Corenoso Street (St. Dominic Senior Care Home). St. Dominic Senior Care Home – 10:50AM – North Sabana; Asucena; South Sabana Barrigada Drive ; Army Drive (Route 16); Purple Heart Hwy (Route 8); San Roque Drive; San Vicente Church.
Barrigada: San Vicente Church – 11:05AM – San Roque Drive; Veterans Hwy (Route 10); Santa Teresita Church.
Mangilao: Santa Teresita Church – 11:20AM – Veterans Hwy (Route 10); Westbound: Chalan Kanton Tasi (Route 4); Our Lady of Peace and Safe Journey Church.
Chalan Pago: Our Lady of Peace and Safe Journey Church – 11:35AM – Chalan Kanton Tasi (Route 4); Dero Road; San Juan Bautista Church.
Ordot: San Juan Bautista Church – 11:50AM – Dero Road; Route 4; St Francis of Assisi Church.
Yona: St Francis of Assisi Church – 12:10PM – Route 4; Route 17; Route 4 A; N San Miguel Street; San Miguel Catholic Church.
Talofofo: San Miguel Catholic Church – 12:30PM – Route 4 A; Route 4; San Isidro Catholic Church.
Malojloj: San Isidro Catholic Church – 12:45PM – Route 4; Apman Drive (Southern Region Community Health Center); Apman Drive; Route 4; St Joseph Church.
Inarajan: St Joseph Church – 1:00PM – Route 4; San Dimas Church.
Merizo: San Dimas Church – 1:20PM – Route 4; Route 2; San Dionisio Church.
Umatac: San Dionisio Church – 1:35PM – Route 2; San Vicente Avenue; Calle de los Marteres Street; Our Lady Mount Carmel Church.
Agat: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church – 1:50PM – Calle de Los Marteres Street.; Erskin Drive; Route 2; Bishop Olano (Route 12); Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
Santa Rita: Our Lady of Guadalupe Church – 2:05PM Route 12; Route 5; Route 2A; (Naval Base Gate); Marine Corps Drive; Route 6; Assumption Drive; Assumption of Our Lady Church
Piti: Assumption of Our Lady Church – 2:20PM – Assumption Drive; JM Tuncap, Marine Corps Drive; Nino Perdido Road, Nino Perdido y Sagrada Familia Catholic Church
Asan: Nino Perdido y Sagrada Familia Catholic Church – 2:40PM – Jose Leon Guerrero Street; Marine Corps Drive; Agana Cathedral-Basilica.
Agana Cathedral-Basilica – 3:00PM