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ANALYSIS: Worried grandma v. hothead felon with connections

By Johnnie Rosario

(Tumon, Guam) A 66-year-old grandmother of Astumbo Elementary School students who were bullied allegedly made a threat yesterday to a school employee to shoot any bullies, who hurt her grandchildren. Faye Marie Kang denied she made the threat.

On the other side of the law, Andrew Castro - a politically-connected federal drug felon in his 40s whose father was a high ranking police officer - was caught on tape in early January attempting to burglarize, terrorize, and assault his neighbor in Mangilao.

Ms. Kang was arrested on the same day.

Mr. Castro was arrested days after his victim made his second criminal complaint to the Guam Police Department, on January 16, 2020, according to police spokesman Sgt. Paul Tapao.

Ms. Kang allegedly made a threat. Mr. Castro was caught on camera actually carrying out his. But, for whatever reason, they were treated differently by the criminal justice system.

Ms. Kang was magistrated in local court, the attorney general's office seeking felony charges against her, including terroristic conduct with a special allegation of crime against the community.

Mr. Castro was booked and released on a misdemeanor criminal mischief slap on the wrist. Whether he ever will be charged is unknown at this time; he was not magistrated.

To be fair, Ms. Kang's alleged crime, which she denies, resulted in the disruption of classes and operations at Astumbo Elementary School and allegedly was a threat of violence toward kids. Mr. Castro, on the other hand, showed up to both the front and back doors of his victim's home, broke both doors, attempted to enter the home, took an offensive stance to assault his victim, and damaged the victim's family's property. He even assaulted his girlfriend while he was at it - all of this caught on tape.

And what of the underlying allegations Ms. Kang had made? The purpose of her phone call to Astumbo Elementary School that led to the report to police of her alleged threat?

According to the prosecutor's declaration of probable cause against Ms. Kang, she was frustrated at a lack of action by school officials to protect her grandson against bullies. She was worried for her grandchildren's safety at the school.

Jon Fernandez

"I’m concerned about that and we are having the administrator look into this bullying allegation," DOE superintendent Jon Fernandez said. "However, threatening the alleged bullies is not an appropriate response."

Mr. Fernandez said that DOE had a responsibility to protect all of its students, even if it was an alleged threat relayed by a third party.

"The call that was made went to a staff member at the central office who felt concerned enough to report it to a deputy," the superintendent said. "At that point, our protocol for alerting the GPD and the school was executed, resulting in the shelter-in-place directive until police arrived."

Like many who have chimed in on this matter empathizing with Ms. Kang, Mr. Fernandez did raise his own concerns about bullying from the perspective of a public school parent himself:

"As a parent, yes, I am concerned if any parent or grandparent believes that their child is being bullied and that the school is failing to address it. I’m working to ensure that the school administrator updates me in this situation so we can address it."
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She comes from a generation that knows she was talking and wasn't a terrorist. But the PC police is out in full force now even on our islands. You could talk this way, without consequence,until about 2009. Now we're criminalizing words. Slippery and dangerous slope we're on. It's what they do in China.


Feb 06, 2020

What does "Granny, get your gun" even mean metaphorically?

It likely dates back to 1940, with the forgettable western-comedy movie “Granny, Get Your Gun.”

Metaphorically, it refers to a tough, straight-shooting grandmother who will “straighten out” misdeeds or “take care of business” in a no nonsense fashion. Once Granny picks up her gun, well, by damn, she’ll get to the bottom of the problem!

A grandmother is a hard person to argue with when her mind is made up and she’s not going to stand for excuses or trickery. Put a gun in her hand and she’s not going to be terribly patient with fraudsters, con men, scallywags, thieves or rapists. Especially when protecting her family.


Feb 06, 2020

Just wanted to throw this in (since you mentioned hothead with felon connections). If you want to see some bad asses, then google "The Wu Band - Wolf Totem" and watch the video (some 25 million hits). Now that is what you call some bad asses. Makes Guam's so called felons laughable. Maybe Guam should ask Mongolia if they can borrow some space in their prisons?


Feb 06, 2020

Reminds me of that 1940's movie - "Granny get your gun" (google it).

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