NEWS: Republicans celebrate defeat of dictator bills
Republican senators have something to say about the attempt by the democratic governor to attain dictatorial powers over Guam.
Republican senators have something to say about the attempt by the democratic governor to attain dictatorial powers over Guam.
The government of Guam isn't sure about the infection curve, and despite that the governor is dismissing a solution by the speaker to test m
The military is sending videos and photos of what's going on at the hotel quarantine sites, and what they're doing to keep everyone safe.
The U.S. Attorney for Guam and the NMI received $3 million for broad use in Guam to fight crime and address the medical needs of inmates.
GovGuam is going to get even more federal money than originally thought. San Nicolas says the governor should pay tax refunds.
As corruption concerns grow among residents regarding the governor's recent decisions, the U.S. Attorney's Office says they're watching.
Senators Nelson, Lee, Taitano, Shelton, T. Terlaje, Perez, and Torres have yet to announce their opposition or support for the bill.
Drips of corruption and anti-trust activity are flowing from a new policy by the governor confiscating medical supplies & threatening compan
Once again, Guam's congressman is having to correct false information from the governor, and is informing residents of cash assistance rules
The sailor was part of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier. His wife was flown into Guam this past weekend.
Senators on Tuesday will vote on the most important measure it has so far debated - the only bill addressing the federal cash assistance.
The speaker needs at least seven more senators to agree to place her tax refunds bill on the agenda, and to vote in favor of it.
The government now is confiscating medical supplies and equipment needed to fight the Coronavirus at the borders.
Teachers and school staff in the Commonwealth are getting the boot; the government is trying to trick them into resigning and losing benefit
Double pay for GovGuam employees working the emergency response will not be cut; senators add tiered hazard pay to double pay provisions.
The legislative speaker gives out her email address and cell number and asks residents for their comments on her bill that gives the governo
There might be a way for non-filers to get federal cash assistance. The legislative speaker wants the administration to make this happen.
The infection count has reached 133, with 58 who have recovered and now five who have died since the Coronavirus count on Guam began.
If the Pope can celebrate Easter alone, then the rest of us can, too.